A unique level of quality & experience

Connected experiences
The thread that is woven throughout the businesses within the Chedington Estate is lifestyle. Our guests all share a common goal of experiencing a truly special venture. Whether that be a holiday, wedding, country getaway, adventure or the start of a new hobby, the estate is committed to providing nothing but exceptional lifestyle experiences.
A contemporary approach
Rooted in upland Dorset, steeped in history and tradition, the founders of the estate have created a vision of a thriving contemporary estate. Compromising of several businesses, the estate is now a leader in research, technology, employment and businesses offering impeccable lifestyle opportunities.
Building relationships
The heart of the estate is the people who are part of it, and the people who interact with us. It is relationships and experiences that bring the elements of the estate to life. The dedicated, knowledgable teams provide exceptional experiences to our guests. We pride ourselves on a warm, open atmosphere and a lifelong relationship with those who engage with us.

Visit Café Newt

Ride the Pyrenees