S.M.E Tree Planting

Rider looking out across Dorset countryside

One of the main aims across The Chedington Court Estate is to nourish and sustain the land and it’s communities long into the future. 

With a keen awareness of the changing global climate, the businesses within the estate pledge to use technology and specialised knowledge to track and offset carbon expenditure. This is being achieved with an extensive tree planting programme here in North Dorset. Rather than keep it as something done ‘behind the scenes’, the project has been woven into some of the lifestyle opportunities available to guests of the estate, bringing it even more to the fore of people’s awareness. 

At the front of the queue is Superior Motorcycle Experiences. Spending so much time exploring the stunning Dorset landscapes has brought the appreciation of the area and it’s sustainability to the fore, and the team are keen to involve their guests with the project. 

Guests on the motorcycle tours in Dorset will have the opportunity to visit some of the planting sites as part of their adventures and get hands on with the planting of new saplings. 

Over ten thousand broad leaf trees have been planted already and the aim is to utilise the land to increase the overall tree coverage to around 20%. Chedington are dedicated to this cause over the years to ensure a thriving ecosystem for generations to come. 

Trees provide a rich habitat for local wildlife, improving biodiversity and variety in this special part of the world. Another benefit is the carbon offset, which seems like an obvious direct offset from the use of riding motorcycles. One tree absorbs approximately one tonne of carbon over its lifetime, making it a really effective way of using natural assets to offset the carbon expenditure of the bikes, and benefit the land in the long-term.