Spring 2024 on the Estate

A round-up of news and updates from the projects and businesses across The Chedington Court Estate this quarter.

Autumn 2023 on the Estate

A round-up of news and updates from the projects and businesses across The Chedington Court Estate this quarter.

Summer 2023 on The Estate

A round-up of news and updates from the projects and businesses across The Chedington Court Estate this quarter.

Spring 2023 on The Estate

A round-up of news and updates from the projects and businesses across The Chedington Court Estate this quarter.

Winter 2022/23 on The Estate

Chedington Newsletter

A round-up of news and updates from the projects and businesses across The Chedington Court Estate this quarter.

Autumn 2022 on The Estate

Chedington Newsletter

Land Management There is already an Autumnal feel across the Estate and the mornings are certainly fresher and the nights are drawing in. After what was an incredibly dry summer, the recent small amount of rain has kick started the grass growing again and the fields are once again covered in lush grass as are all the lawns and the … Read More

Melplash Memories Past and Present by James Vickery, Land Manager

Melplash Show

Geoffrey Guy, James Vickery and Nigel Jones, Melplash President, at Melplash Show 25th August 2022. The Melplash Agricultural Society Show started in 1847, this year being the 175th anniversary, and has grown over the years  into the South West’s premier agricultural exhibition. My earliest memories of the show were as a 7 or 8 year old sitting in the back of a … Read More

A Successful Race Season for Spirit Moto Corsa

Spirit Moto Corsa enjoy a successful season

The Spirit Moto Corsa motorcycle race team seem to be going from strength to strength. Dr Geoffrey Guy, founder of The Chedington Court Estate is a motorcyclist enthusiast, having participated in motorbike racing in the past, as is documented by some excellent photography. With an enthusiasm for the sport as well as British engineering and innovation, he put his support … Read More